Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Dick's Bullshit in Baghdad

Dick goes to Baghdad. Hear Dick’s bullshit through his crooked smirk and vicious snear.
''There's a lot going on. This is a very important time. There's a lot to talk about,'' Dick sneared to Gen. David Petraeus and the new U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Ryan Crocker.
David said recently that conditions in Iraq may get harder before they get easier and will require ''an enormous commitment'' over time by the United States.
Hear David say the same thing again and again and again and again…month after month after month…
Aides said the faux vice president hoped to encourage reconciliation among rival factions.
Dick only knows how to stir things up. How is he going to encourage reconciliation in Iraq? He has done such a great job at bringing everyone together his own country.
Dick emphasized that ending the conflict in Iraq cannot be done by military means alone.
Really Dick? What conflict are you talking about? There is no civil war in Iraq, remember? Dick is trying to save his skin and is repeating what everyone else has been saying for months. Dick is an asshole!
Original story from The New York Times with a bit of editorial commentary. Meg

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