Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Ultimate Humiliation for Ohio Woman

After being assaulted, a woman in Stark County, Ohio, called for help but instead of helping her, local police arrested her. She was then taken to the local jail, stripped naked by both male and female officers and left in a cell for 6 hours without a stitch of clothing or even a blanket. Toilet paper was the only thing she had to cover her naked body. The arrest occurred after the distraught woman had mistakenly given police her deceased sister’s drivers license, which she had kept as a memento, instead of her own. Even though this may not be the entire story, what kind of behavior or crime would warrant a woman to be stripped bare by both male and female officers and left naked in a cell for hours?

The disturbing video can be viewed at Bass Check TV. According to the Bass Check website, this is common treatment for women in US jails. Below is the commentary found on their website.

“There is absolutely nothing unusual about women being stripped naked and left without covering of any kind in cold jail cells for hours at a time. It's a popular humiliation technique used in corrupt police departments throughout the country. If it weren't for this video, a TV local station's news report, and the Internet, no one would know that this particular event ever happened. Keep in mind that this woman called the police for help after she was assaulted. The piece of self-propelled human garbage running this Sheriff's Department is Timothy A. Swanson. He says - and I quote - that the thugs who work for him ‘did everything by the book.’"

Very scary stuff. Posted by Meg


GDAEman said...

Hey Meg. You're doing a great job keeping the blog going, in addition to the WakeUp AM show itself.

I just sent you an e-mail. Hope you find the content worthy of use on your blog.


GDAEman said...

I watched the video. If that's "by the book" we need a new book. It's heart wrenching. Hard to know if the tears threatening my eyes are from anger or sadness... probably both.